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How Much to Repair a Concrete Driveway: Budgeting and Cost Considerations

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Concrete driveways are a popular choice for many homeowners due to their durability and low maintenance. However, like any other structure, concrete driveways may require repairs over time. Understanding the cost considerations and budgeting for concrete driveway repairs is essential for homeowners.

Factors that affect the cost of concrete driveway repair include the extent of damage, size of the driveway, type of repair needed, accessibility, and local labour and material costs. The more extensive the damage and larger the driveway, the higher the repair cost. Different types of repairs such as filling cracks and potholes, resurfacing, or slab replacement will have varying costs.

Considering the budget for concrete driveway repair involves assessing the various cost aspects. This includes labour costs, material costs, equipment rental, permits, inspections, and any additional costs. It’s important to research cost estimates, prioritize repairs, and set a realistic budget.

Deciding between DIY repairs or hiring a professional is a crucial consideration. DIY repairs may save money but require adequate skills and equipment. Hiring a professional ensures expertise and quality work, but comes with additional labour costs.

By understanding the factors, cost considerations, and budgeting strategies for concrete driveway repair, homeowners can make informed decisions and maintain their driveways effectively.

Key takeaway:

  • Understanding Concrete Driveway Repair: Knowing the factors affecting the cost and common repair types is essential to budget and plan effectively.
  • Cost Considerations: Labor, materials, equipment rental, permits, inspections, and additional costs must be accounted for in the budget to avoid surprises.
  • DIY or Hire a Professional: Consider the complexity and extent of repairs before deciding whether to tackle them yourself or hire a professional for better results and time efficiency.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Concrete Driveway Repair

Factors Affecting the Cost of Concrete Driveway Repair
Repairing a concrete driveway can be expensive, so it is important to understand the factors that influence the cost. In this section, we will explore the key elements that can affect the expense of concrete driveway repair. These factors include the extent of damage, the size of the driveway, the type of repair required, accessibility, and local labour and material costs. We will cover all of these aspects in detail. So, let’s get started and delve into the specifics of what determines the costs of concrete driveway repair.

Extent of Damage

The extent of damage to a concrete driveway is an important factor to consider when planning for repairs. Assessing the extent of damage is crucial in determining the appropriate repair method and cost. The table below provides a breakdown of the different levels of damage and their corresponding descriptions:

| Extent of Damage | Description |
| Minor damage | Small cracks or surface blemishes that do not affect the structural integrity of the driveway. |
| Moderate damage | Cracks or potholes that are larger and deeper, requiring filling and patching. |
| Severe damage | Extensive cracking or crumbling of the driveway, indicating significant structural issues that may require slab replacement or resurfacing. |

Minor damage can often be easily fixed with DIY repair kits or simple filling materials. Moderate damage may require professional assistance and more extensive repairs. Severe damage may necessitate more significant repairs, such as replacing entire sections of the driveway.

It is important to note that the extent of damage can vary from one driveway to another, and professional assessment is recommended to accurately determine the extent of the damage and the appropriate course of action. By properly evaluating the extent of damage, homeowners can make informed decisions about the necessary repairs and budget accordingly.

Understanding the extent of damage is crucial when planning for concrete driveway repairs. It helps homeowners gauge the severity of the damage and determine the most suitable repair method and associated costs.

Size of the Driveway

The size of the driveway is a crucial factor to consider when planning for concrete driveway repair. This section provides an overview of how the size of the driveway can affect the cost and timeline of the repair.

| Size of the Driveway | Average Repair Cost | Time Required for Repair |
| ———————- | ———————- | ————————-|
| Small (up to 500 sqft) | £500 – £1,000 | 1 – 2 days |
| Medium (500 – 1,000 sqft) | £1,000 – £2,000 | 2 – 3 days |
| Large (1,000 – 2,000 sqft) | £2,000 – £4,000 | 3 – 4 days |
| Extra Large (over 2,000 sqft) | £4,000+ | 4+ days |

The size of the driveway directly impacts the amount of materials and labour required for the repair. Smaller driveways will naturally require fewer materials and less time to complete the repair, resulting in lower costs. Conversely, larger driveways will require more materials and labour, increasing the overall cost and time needed for the repair.

It’s important to accurately measure the size of your driveway to get an estimate of the repair cost. This will also help in planning the timeline for the repair and any inconveniences that may arise during the process. Remember to consult with a professional to assess the extent of the damage and provide an accurate cost estimate based on the size of your driveway.

By considering the size of the driveway, you can better plan and budget for your concrete driveway repair project.

Type of Repair Needed

To determine the type of repair needed for a concrete driveway, several factors must be considered. These factors include the extent of damage, the size of the driveway, and the type of repair required. Accessibility to the area and local labour and material costs also play a role in determining the type of repair needed.

Factors to Consider Type of Repair Needed
Extent of Damage Crack filling and patching for minor damage, slab replacement for severe damage
Size of the Driveway Resurfacing for small driveways, slab replacement for larger driveways
Type of Repair Required Crack filling and patching for surface cracks, resurfacing for widespread damage, slab replacement for deep cracks or structural issues
Accessibility Crack filling and patching for easily accessible areas, slab replacement for areas with limited access
Local Labour and Material Costs Crack filling and patching for cost-effective repairs, resurfacing or slab replacement based on budget and availability

By considering these factors, you can determine the most suitable type of repair needed for your concrete driveway. Remember to prioritize repairs based on the severity of the damage and set a realistic budget. Hiring a professional for complex repairs may be necessary to ensure the longevity and durability of the repaired driveway.

Fact: Proper maintenance and regular inspections can help reduce the need for extensive repairs and prolong the lifespan of your concrete driveway.


is a crucial factor to consider when it comes to concrete driveway repair. The ease of access to the driveway can significantly impact the cost and duration of repairs.

When the driveway is easily accessible, repair work can be completed more efficiently and quickly. This is because the repair materials and equipment can be easily transported to the site without any obstacles or challenges. In such cases, labour costs can be lower since the workers can easily manoeuvre around the area and carry out the necessary repairs.

On the other hand, if the driveway is located in a hard-to-reach area or has limited access, it may require additional effort and resources to complete the repairs. This could result in higher labour costs and longer repair times. For example, if the driveway is situated in a narrow alley or has obstructions like trees or walls nearby, it may be more challenging for the repair crew to work efficiently.

The accessibility of the driveway can also impact the availability of equipment and materials. If the repair site is difficult to reach, it may be more challenging to transport heavy machinery or large quantities of materials to the location. This could result in longer lead times for equipment rental or material deliveries, potentially increasing the overall cost of the repair project.

Therefore, when budgeting for concrete driveway repair, it is important to take into account the accessibility of the driveway and consider any potential challenges that may arise due to its location. By doing so, you can prepare accordingly and ensure that the repair process goes smoothly and efficiently.

Local Labor and Material Costs

Local Labor and Material Costs

To understand the financial implications of repairing your concrete driveway, it is essential to consider the factors that affect the cost, including local labor and material costs.

Labor Costs:
The cost of labour for concrete driveway repair will depend on the complexity and extent of the damage. On average, labour costs can range from £50 to £100 per hour, including the equipment needed for the repair. Factors such as the driveway’s accessibility and the expertise of the professionals hired can also influence the labour costs.

Material Costs:
The materials required for concrete driveway repair can significantly contribute to the overall cost. These materials may include concrete mix, sealants, bonding agents, and reinforcement materials. The prices of these materials may vary in different locations. Typically, material costs can range from £500 to £1,000, depending on the size and scope of the repair project.

It’s important to note that these cost estimates are general guidelines, and the actual costs may vary depending on the specific circumstances and location. To accurately determine the local labor and material costs for your concrete driveway repair, it is advisable to obtain multiple quotes from local professionals.

Considering the local labor and material costs will help you plan and budget for your concrete driveway repair project.

Common Types of Concrete Driveway Repairs

Concrete driveways are prone to wear and tear. There are common types of repairs that offer solutions to these issues. From filling cracks and potholes to resurfacing and slab replacement, we’ll explore these different approaches to rejuvenating your driveway. Whether you’re aiming to patch up unsightly cracks or give your driveway a complete facelift, we’ve got you covered with the insights and tips you need to make informed decisions about your concrete repairs.

Filling Cracks and Potholes

Filling cracks and potholes is a common type of concrete driveway repair. Cracks in the driveway can occur due to various factors such as age, weather conditions, or heavy traffic. Potholes are caused by the expansion and contraction of water within the pavement, leading to the formation of gaps and voids.

To fill cracks, the damaged area is cleaned and prepared by removing any loose debris or vegetation. A crack filler or sealant is then applied to the crack, ensuring that it fills the entire depth and width of the crack. Potholes are repaired by first removing any loose or damaged pavement material from the pothole. The hole is then properly cleaned and prepared before a patching material, such as asphalt or concrete, is applied. The patching material is compacted to ensure a smooth and durable surface.

Proper filling of cracks and potholes helps prevent further deterioration of the driveway and improves its appearance. Regular maintenance and prompt repair of cracks and potholes can extend the lifespan of the concrete driveway.

To effectively fill cracks and potholes, it is recommended to consult a professional contractor who has experience in concrete driveway repairs. They have the expertise and tools to ensure proper preparation and application of the repair materials. Regular inspections and maintenance of the driveway can help identify cracks and potholes early, allowing for timely repairs to prevent further damage. Remember, addressing small cracks and potholes promptly can save you from costly repairs in the future.


is a common type of concrete driveway repair that involves applying a new layer of concrete or asphalt on top of the existing surface. This helps to improve the appearance and functionality of the driveway while also extending its lifespan.

During the resurfacing process, the damaged areas of the driveway are first repaired, such as filling in cracks and potholes. Then, a new layer of material is applied evenly to the entire surface. This layer can be made of concrete or asphalt, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the homeowner.

One of the main benefits of resurfacing is that it is a cost-effective way to repair a damaged driveway. It requires less labour and materials compared to completely replacing the driveway. Resurfacing can be done relatively quickly, minimising the disruption to daily life.

It is important to note that resurfacing is suitable for driveways with minor to moderate damage. If the driveway has extensive damage or structural issues, other types of repairs like slab replacement may be necessary.

Resurfacing is a practical and efficient method for repairing concrete driveways. It offers an affordable solution to address minor to moderate damage, improving the overall appearance and functionality of the driveway.

Slab Replacement

  1. To replace damaged slabs in your concrete driveway, start by assessing the damage. Look for cracks, sinking, or severe damage.
  2. Gather the necessary tools and materials, including a jackhammer or demolition hammer, a wheelbarrow, a shovel, concrete mix, water, a trowel, and rebar for reinforcement.
  3. Prepare the area by clearing the surrounding space and removing any debris or loose concrete around the damaged slabs.
  4. Break the old slab into manageable pieces using a jackhammer or demolition hammer. Take caution and wear appropriate safety gear during this process.
  5. Clear away the broken concrete and dispose of it properly.
  6. Prepare the foundation by digging out the area beneath the removed slab. This will create a stable base for the new concrete. Compact the soil and add a layer of gravel for additional stability.
  7. Install rebar in a grid pattern to reinforce the new slab and prevent future cracks and damage.
  8. Mix and pour concrete according to the instructions on the concrete mix bags. Ensure that the mixed concrete is level and smooth with the surrounding slabs.
  9. Use a trowel to smooth and level the surface of the new concrete slab. Add texture if desired.
  10. Cover the newly poured slab with a plastic sheet or damp burlap to protect it from drying too quickly. Allow the concrete to cure for the recommended amount of time before using the driveway again.

Cost Considerations for Concrete Driveway Repair

Cost Considerations for Concrete Driveway Repair
Repairing a concrete driveway can be a challenging task, particularly when considering the budget and costs involved. This section delves into the different factors that influence the overall cost of repairing a concrete driveway. These factors include labour costs, material expenses, equipment rental, and permits. We will also discuss any potential additional costs that may arise during the repair process. Prepare yourself for an in-depth exploration of the expenses associated with concrete driveway repair.

Labor Costs

The labour costs for concrete driveway repair can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the type of repair needed. It is important to budget for these costs to ensure that you are prepared financially. Here is a breakdown of the labour costs involved in concrete driveway repair:

1. Labour costs: These include the wages paid to the workers who will be performing the repair work. The labour costs can vary based on the complexity of the repair and the skills required. On average, labour costs for concrete driveway repair can range from £10 to £25 per square foot.

2. Time required: The labour costs also depend on the time required to complete the repair. Simple repairs like filling cracks and potholes may take a few hours, while more extensive repairs like slab replacement may take several days. The longer it takes to complete the repair, the higher the labour costs will be.

3. Additional labour: In some cases, additional labour may be required for specialised tasks such as cutting or removing sections of the driveway. This can increase the labour costs.

It is important to get quotes from multiple contractors to compare labour costs and ensure that you are getting the best value for your money. Consider the reputation and experience of the contractor when making your decision, as this can impact the quality of the repair work. Labour costs are a significant factor to consider when budgeting for concrete driveway repair.

Material Costs

To effectively budget for concrete driveway repair, it is crucial to consider material costs. The following table provides an overview of common material costs associated with concrete driveway repair.

Materials Average Cost
Concrete Patching Compound £10 – £20 per gallon
Concrete Sealer £20 – £40 per gallon
Concrete Resurfacer £30 – £50 per bag
Concrete Mix £5 – £10 per bag
Rebar £1 – £2 per linear foot
Gravel £15 – £30 per cubic yard

It is important to note that these prices may vary depending on your location and the specific brands or quality of materials you choose.

Considering material costs is crucial as they can significantly impact your total expenses for concrete driveway repair. By estimating the amount of material needed and calculating the associated costs, you can effectively plan your budget and ensure you have sufficient funds for a successful repair.

Previously, material costs for concrete driveway repair could vary greatly, making it challenging for homeowners to budget accurately. However, with the availability of online resources and price comparisons, it has become easier to determine the costs of materials needed for specific repairs. By researching and understanding material costs, homeowners can make informed decisions and avoid any unexpected financial burdens during the repair process.

Equipment Rental

Equipment Rental

Fact: Renting equipment for concrete driveway repair can save you money compared to purchasing expensive tools that you may only use once.

Permits and Inspections

By obtaining the appropriate permits and scheduling inspections, you can ensure that your concrete driveway repair project is in compliance with local regulations and is done properly. This helps to ensure the safety and longevity of the repair work. Make sure to check with your local authorities to understand the specific permits required and the inspection process for your area.

Additional Costs

When considering concrete driveway repair, it is important to take into account the additional costs that may arise. These costs can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the type of repair needed.

Additional Costs Estimated Range
Concrete Removal £100 – £400
Disposal Fees £50 – £200
Rebar Installation £200 – £500
Demolition £500 – £1,000
Permits and Inspections £100 – £300

These are just some of the additional costs that you may need to consider when budgeting for concrete driveway repair. It is important to assess the specific needs of your project and consult with professionals to get accurate cost estimates.

When dealing with additional costs, it is advisable to set a realistic budget and prioritize repairs based on the extent of the damage. Getting multiple quotes from professionals can help you make an informed decision and choose the most cost-effective solution.

How to Budget for Concrete Driveway Repair

Looking to repair your concrete driveway but unsure how to budget for it? We’ll guide you through the process of budgeting for concrete driveway repair. From assessing the damage to researching cost estimates and setting a realistic budget, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss our expert tips on prioritizing repairs and obtaining multiple quotes to make an informed decision. Say goodbye to driveway woes and hello to a smoothly budgeted repair process!

Assess the Damage

Assessing the damage to your concrete driveway is an important step in evaluating the extent of repairs needed and creating a realistic budget. Begin by thoroughly inspecting the surface for cracks, potholes, or signs of deterioration. Measure the size and depth of the damaged areas to determine the scope of the necessary repair work. Evaluate the overall condition of the driveway, including any underlying issues that may contribute to the damage.

To accurately assess the damage, it may be necessary to consult a professional contractor or engineer who specialises in concrete repairs. They can provide expert advice and recommend the most appropriate repair methods for your specific situation.

Remember, addressing minor cracks promptly can prevent further damage and potentially save you money in the long term. Neglecting small issues can result in more extensive damage and higher repair costs later on.

Evaluating the damage to your concrete driveway is essential for determining the required repairs and budgeting for the project. Take the time to thoroughly examine the surface, measure the size of the damaged areas, and consider seeking professional advice if necessary. By addressing the damage promptly, you can ensure the longevity and functionality of your concrete driveway.

Concrete has been used as a construction material for thousands of years. Ancient civilisations, such as the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians, used a form of concrete made from lime, volcanic ash, and water. Over time, the technology and techniques for using concrete have evolved, leading to the development of modern concrete mixes, additives, and curing processes. Today, concrete is one of the most widely used building materials, known for its durability, strength, and versatility. It plays a vital role in various applications, including driveways, roads, bridges, and buildings. Assessing and repairing damaged concrete structures is an essential part of maintaining their integrity and ensuring their longevity.

Research Cost Estimates

When preparing for concrete driveway repair, it is important to research cost estimates in order to establish a realistic budget. By obtaining accurate cost estimates, you can plan financially and make well-informed decisions. Here is a table summarising the key factors to consider when researching cost estimates:

| Factors to Consider | Details |
| Extent of Damage | Assess the extent of damage to determine the level of repair required. |
| Size of the Driveway | The size of the driveway will impact the amount of materials needed and the labour involved. |
| Type of Repair Needed | Different types of repairs require different materials and techniques, which can affect the overall cost. |
| Accessibility | If the driveway has limited access, additional equipment or labour may be required, impacting the cost. |
| Local Labour and Material Costs | Labour and material costs may vary depending on the location, so research local rates to get accurate estimates. |

Researching cost estimates helps you to plan and budget effectively for your concrete driveway repair project. Having a realistic understanding of the potential costs involved allows for better decision-making and ensures that you are financially prepared. By obtaining multiple quotes and considering these factors, you can make an informed choice and find the best option for your needs.

Did you know? Research shows that conducting thorough cost estimates can save homeowners up to 10% on their concrete driveway repair expenses. So, take the time to gather accurate information and make wise financial decisions!

Prioritize Repairs

When prioritising repairs for your concrete driveway, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Assess the damage: Examine your driveway closely and identify any cracks, potholes, or other damage that needs repairing.
  2. Research cost estimates: Find out the costs associated with each type of repair needed. This will help you understand how much you can expect to spend on each repair.
  3. Prioritise repairs: Once you have a clear understanding of the costs, prioritise the repairs based on their importance and urgency. Consider the severity of the damage and how it may affect the overall stability and safety of your driveway.
  4. Set a realistic budget: Based on your prioritised repairs, set a budget that you are comfortable with. Take into account the costs of labour, materials, and any additional expenses that may arise during the repair process.
  5. Get multiple quotes: Approach different professionals and contractors to obtain multiple quotes for the repairs. This will enable you to compare prices and find the best option for your budget.

By following these steps, you can effectively prioritise repairs for your concrete driveway and ensure that you address the most critical issues first.

Set a Realistic Budget

Setting a realistic budget for concrete driveway repair is essential to ensure that you have enough funds to cover the necessary expenses. Here are the steps to help you set a realistic budget:

  1. Assess the damage: Start by evaluating the extent of damage to your concrete driveway. Look for cracks, potholes, or signs of wear and tear that may require repair.
  2. Research cost estimates: Find out the average cost of concrete driveway repair in your area. Take into account factors such as labour costs, material costs, and any additional expenses.
  3. Prioritize repairs: Determine which repairs are essential and prioritize them based on urgency and importance. This will help you allocate your budget effectively.
  4. Set a realistic budget: Based on the research and prioritization, set a budget that you can comfortably afford. Consider the estimated costs for the repairs and any other factors that may affect the total expenses.
  5. Get multiple quotes: Obtain quotes from different contractors or professionals who specialize in concrete driveway repair. This will give you a better understanding of the costs involved and help you compare prices.

By following these steps, you can set a realistic budget for your concrete driveway repair project and ensure that you have adequate funds to address the necessary repairs. Remember to consider all the relevant factors and obtain multiple quotes to make an informed decision.

Get Multiple Quotes

When considering concrete driveway repair, it is important to obtain multiple quotes to ensure you receive the best price and service. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Research reputable contractors in your area.
  2. Contact at least three different contractors and request quotes for the repair work.
  3. Provide each contractor with the same details about the repair needed, such as the extent of damage and the size of the driveway.
  4. Ask each contractor for a detailed breakdown of the costs involved, including labour, materials, permits, and any additional fees.
  5. Compare the quotes from each contractor to determine the best value for your money.
  6. Consider the reputation and experience of each contractor in addition to the cost quoted.
  7. If there are significant discrepancies between the quotes, ask the contractors to explain why there may be differences.
  8. Take into account any guarantees or warranties offered by the contractors when making your decision.
  9. Once you have gathered all the necessary information, make an informed choice based on the quotes, reputation, and reliability of the contractors.

By obtaining multiple quotes, you can ensure that you are making a well-informed decision and getting the best possible price for your concrete driveway repair.

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

When it comes to repairing your concrete driveway, the main question is whether to undertake the repairs yourself or hire a professional. In this section, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of both options, providing you with an insight into what you can anticipate if you decide to handle the repair on your own or if you opt to bring in a specialist. Prepare to assess your abilities, budget, and desired outcome as we delve into the DIY vs. Hiring a Professional predicament.

DIY Concrete Driveway Repair

DIY Concrete Driveway Repair

If you are looking to repair your concrete driveway yourself, here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Assess the damage: Start by evaluating the extent of the damage to your concrete driveway. Look for cracks, potholes, or areas that have sunk or shifted.
  2. Gather necessary materials: Once you have assessed the damage, gather the materials you will need for the repair. This may include concrete mix, a trowel, a bucket, water, and a squeegee.
  3. Clean the driveway: Before you begin the repair process, thoroughly clean the area that needs to be repaired. Remove any debris, dirt, or loose concrete.
  4. Mix the concrete: Follow the instructions on the concrete mix package to create the appropriate consistency. Use a trowel to mix the concrete and water in a bucket.
  5. Fill cracks and potholes: Apply the mixed concrete into the cracks and potholes using a trowel. Smooth the surface with the trowel to ensure an even finish.
  6. Resurface the driveway: If the damage is more extensive, you may need to resurface the entire driveway. Apply the concrete mix evenly across the surface using a squeegee. Smooth out any imperfections with a trowel.
  7. Allow the concrete to cure: Once the repair is complete, allow the concrete to cure according to the instructions on the concrete mix package. This typically takes around 24 to 48 hours.

By following these steps, you can successfully complete a DIY concrete driveway repair. Remember to take safety precautions, such as wearing protective gloves and eyewear, and ensure proper ventilation when working with concrete mix.

Hiring a Professional

Some Facts About How Much to Repair a Concrete Driveway: Budgeting and Cost Considerations:

  • ✅ The estimated costs for repairing a concrete driveway range from £620 to £2,000 depending on the size and type of the driveway. (Sources: Household Quotes, HomeHow, Forbes)
  • ✅ The cost of repairing a 15m concrete driveway is estimated to be between £620 and £825. (Source: Household Quotes)
  • ✅ The cost of repairing a 25m concrete driveway ranges from £1,020 to £1,400. (Source: Household Quotes)
  • ✅ Repairing a 35m concrete driveway can cost between £1,450 and £2,000. (Source: Household Quotes)
  • ✅ The type of concrete used for the driveway, such as flat or patterned concrete, can affect the cost of repairs. (Sources: Household Quotes, HomeHow)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to repair a concrete driveway?

The cost of repairing a concrete driveway can vary depending on factors such as the size of the driveway, the extent of the damage, and the type of repairs needed. However, concrete driveway repairs can range from £348 to £1968.

2. What factors influence the cost of repairing a concrete driveway?

Several factors can affect the cost of repairing a concrete driveway. These include the size of the driveway, the type of concrete used, the level of access to the driveway, and the necessary foundation preparations.

3. How can I save money on repairing my concrete driveway?

To potentially save money on repairing your concrete driveway, it is recommended to compare quotes from driveway specialists. Additionally, if a suitable sub base is already in place, you can save on the cost of hardcore and labor charges.

4. Are there any additional costs to consider besides the repair itself?

Yes, there can be additional costs to consider when repairing a concrete driveway. These may include driveway gate installation, garden maintenance, and garden fence installation. These costs can range from £800 to £1180 for a sliding gate and up to £7200 for an electric gate.

5. How does the size of the driveway impact the repair cost?

The size of the driveway can impact the repair cost. Larger driveways generally require more materials and labor, which can result in higher repair costs compared to smaller driveways.

6. How much do tradespeople typically charge for concrete driveway repairs?

Tradespeople generally charge £40 to £50 per square metre for concrete driveway repairs. Some driveway installers may also charge an hourly rate for their services.

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