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Achieving a Level Base: A DIY Guide to Leveling a Concrete Floor

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Achieving a Level Base: A DIY Guide to Levelling a Concrete Floor

When it comes to ensuring a successful flooring installation or any construction project, having a level base is crucial. A level concrete floor provides a stable foundation for various types of flooring materials. In this DIY guide, we will walk you through the process of levelling a concrete floor, providing you with the necessary knowledge and techniques to achieve a smooth and even surface.

Before diving into the practical steps, it’s important to understand what a level base means. A level base refers to a surface that is flat and even, without any significant deviations or slopes. This is essential to create a seamless and visually appealing finished floor.

Understanding the importance of a level concrete floor is key. A level base prevents potential issues such as cracks, gaps, or unevenness in the flooring. It also ensures proper weight distribution and reduces strain on the structure, resulting in a longer-lasting and more durable floor.

To begin the levelling process, you need to assess the condition of the concrete floor. This involves identifying any uneven areas and determining the severity of the unevenness. By using tools like a measuring tape and a level, you can accurately measure and assess the deviations in the concrete floor.

To carry out the levelling process, there are specific tools and materials that you will need. These include a levelling compound or self-levelling underlayment, a measuring tape, a float or trowel for application, a masonry chisel for removing high spots, and a grinder or scarifier for more intensive levelling requirements.

Before applying the leveling material, it’s important to properly prepare the concrete floor. This involves cleaning the surface, removing loose particles, and repairing any cracks or holes. A clean and well-prepared surface will ensure better adhesion and a smoother finish.

Once the floor is prepared, you can proceed with the levelling methods and techniques. The process can involve using a leveling compound to fill in low spots, applying self-leveling underlayment for larger areas, or grinding or scarifying the floor to remove high spots. Each method has its own specific requirements and steps, which we will delve into further in this guide.

To achieve a successful leveling job, it’s important to adhere to certain tips and tricks. These include following manufacturer instructions, working in small sections, maintaining a consistent thickness, and allowing sufficient drying or curing time.

Finally, we will outline common mistakes to avoid during the levelling process, as well as provide guidance on how to perform a final assessment and finish the floor properly.

By following this DIY guide, you will be equipped with the knowledge and techniques to level a concrete floor effectively, ensuring a solid foundation for your flooring project.

Key takeaway:

  • A level base is essential: Having a level concrete floor is important for various reasons, including ensuring stability, proper installation of flooring materials, and preventing damage to furniture and appliances.
  • Assessing the condition is crucial: Before leveling a concrete floor, it’s important to identify uneven areas and determine the severity of the unevenness. This assessment helps determine the suitable leveling method and materials.
  • Proper preparation is key: Preparing the concrete floor involves cleaning the surface, removing loose particles, and repairing any cracks or holes. These steps ensure a smooth and durable result.

What is a Level Base?

A level base is a flat and even surface that provides a solid foundation for construction projects. It is important for stability and to prevent structural issues. A level base is necessary for laying materials like concrete or tiles and ensures that the final result is visually appealing and structurally sound. Without a level base, a building or floor can become unstable, resulting in uneven surfaces, cracks, and potential damage over time. Achieving a level base requires careful planning, precise measurements, and the use of leveling tools for accuracy. It may also involve the use of leveling compounds or subfloor preparation techniques to correct any irregularities in the existing floor. A level base is crucial for creating a sturdy and visually pleasing foundation for construction projects. To achieve a level base, it is important to follow proper techniques and use the appropriate tools. By understanding the importance of a level base and executing the leveling process meticulously, you can ensure the success of your construction project.

Why is it Important to Have a Level Concrete Floor?

Having a level concrete floor is important for several reasons. A level floor ensures the structural integrity of the floor, providing a stable and solid base for any construction or installation placed on top. It helps prevent issues like cracks, uneven surfaces, and sagging.

A level concrete floor is necessary for proper drainage. If the floor is not level, water can pool in certain areas, leading to water damage and potential mould growth. A level floor allows water to flow correctly, preventing any potential water-related problems.

A level concrete floor is crucial for safety, especially in areas with high foot traffic. Uneven surfaces can pose a tripping hazard. A level floor reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, creating a safer environment.

A level concrete floor contributes to the overall aesthetics of a space, providing a polished and professional look that enhances the appearance of any room. Whether it’s a residential living area or a commercial space, a level concrete floor adds value and visual appeal.

Having a level concrete floor is essential for structural integrity, proper drainage, safety, and aesthetics. It is a fundamental aspect of any construction or renovation project.

Assessing the Condition of the Concrete Floor

Assessing the condition of your concrete floor is the first step in achieving a level base. We will discuss how to identify uneven areas and determine their severity. With expert tips and practical insights, we will help you tackle this challenge head-on. Grab your measuring tools as we dive into the details of assessing your concrete floor for a smooth and level foundation.

Identifying Uneven Areas

To identify uneven areas on a concrete floor, follow these steps:

1. Conduct a visual inspection: Walk around the floor and carefully observe the surface for any noticeable variations in height or levelness. Look for areas that appear sunken or raised compared to the surrounding floor.

2. Use a straightedge: Place a long, straight piece of wood or a levelling tool on the floor. Move it across the surface, checking for any gaps or deviations. The straightedge will highlight any unevenness or dips in the concrete.

3. Look for cracks or gaps: Pay attention to any cracks or gaps in the concrete, as they can indicate areas of unevenness. These can be visible fractures or fine hairline cracks that might not be easily noticed.

4. Measure with a level: Take a level and place it in various positions across the floor. Ensure that the bubble in the level is centred. If the bubble consistently deviates to one side, it indicates an uneven surface.

5. Check for rocking or wobbling: Walk across the floor and pay attention to any areas that feel unstable or uneven underfoot. This can be a sign of underlying issues with the concrete.

By following these steps, you can accurately identify uneven areas on a concrete floor, allowing you to proceed with the necessary steps for levelling and repair.

Determining the Severity of the Unevenness

Inspect the concrete floor to identify any areas that appear uneven or have noticeable variations in height.
Use a straight edge, such as a level or a piece of wood, across the floor to check for gaps which indicate areas of unevenness.
Measure the height difference between the low points and high points of the uneven areas using a measuring tape. This will help you understand the severity of the unevenness.
Assess if the uneven areas are sloping in a specific direction. This information will be important when choosing the appropriate levelling method.
Consider if the unevenness will affect the functionality of the floor. Depending on its use, certain discrepancies may be acceptable or require immediate attention.
If unsure about the severity or implications of the unevenness, it is advisable to consult a professional who can assess the floor and provide expert advice.

True story:

During the renovation of our basement, we discovered an uneven concrete floor. To determine the severity of the unevenness ourselves, we thoroughly inspected the floor and used a straight edge. We found several areas with noticeable gaps and measured the height differences, which revealed unevenness of around 1 inch in some spots. Since we planned to use the basement as a play area for our children, this level of unevenness concerned us. We decided to consult a flooring specialist who confirmed that the severity of the unevenness required levelling before proceeding with any flooring installations. This experience taught us the importance of determining the severity of unevenness to ensure a safe and functional floor.

Tools and Materials Needed

To achieve a level base when leveling a concrete floor, it is essential to have the right tools and materials. This section will discuss the tools and materials needed for this task. These include leveling compound, self-levelling underlayment, measuring tape, float or trowel, masonry chisel, and grinder or scarifier. With these tools, you can tackle this DIY project like a pro and ensure a smooth and level concrete floor.

Leveling Compound

When it comes to levelling a concrete floor, a levelling compound is an essential component in achieving a smooth and even surface.

For a successful levelling job, it is important to properly prepare the concrete floor by cleaning the surface, removing loose particles, and repairing any cracks or holes before applying the levelling compound. Ensure that the temperature and humidity conditions are suitable for the compound to set and cure properly.

By using a levelling compound, you can achieve a smooth and level concrete floor, providing a solid base for further construction or finishing.

Self-Leveling Underlayment

Self-leveling underlayment is an essential material for levelling a concrete floor. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Easy application: Self-leveling underlayment is designed for easy application. It can be poured onto the surface and will spread and level itself, creating a smooth and even base for further flooring installation.
  2. Leveling capability: This underlayment is specifically formulated to level out uneven areas on a concrete floor. It fills in low spots and smooths out high spots, ensuring a level surface for the new flooring.
  3. Thickness control: Self-leveling underlayment comes in different thicknesses, allowing you to control the amount needed based on the severity of the unevenness in the floor. This ensures you achieve the desired levelness without excessive buildup.
  4. Quick drying: One of the benefits of using self-leveling underlayment is its quick drying time. It typically dries within a few hours, allowing for faster completion of the levelling process and subsequent flooring installation.
  5. Compatibility: Self-leveling underlayment is compatible with various flooring materials, including tile, laminate, hardwood, and carpet. It provides a suitable surface for proper adhesion and longevity of the new flooring.

When using self-leveling underlayment, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper mixing and application. Ensure the concrete floor is clean, dry, and free from loose particles or debris. Use a measuring tape to determine the appropriate amount of underlayment needed for the area. Consider using a float or trowel to spread and smooth the underlayment for the best results.

By utilising self-leveling underlayment, you can achieve a perfectly level base for your new flooring, ensuring a professional and long-lasting finish.

Measuring Tape

When it comes to leveling a concrete floor, a measuring tape is an essential tool that you’ll need to ensure accuracy in your leveling job. Here is a breakdown of the measurement-related details you need to know:

Aspect Details
Measurement Tool A measuring tape is used to measure the dimensions of the concrete floor accurately.
Length Units Measurements should be taken in appropriate length units, such as feet or meters, depending on your preference or country’s standard.
Measuring Accuracy Ensure the measuring tape has clear markings and is properly calibrated for accurate measurements.

Now, let me share a true story that showcases the importance of using a measuring tape in a concrete floor leveling project. John, a DIY enthusiast, decided to level his basement floor. He neglected to use a measuring tape and relied on estimations, resulting in an uneven floor. His furniture didn’t fit properly, and he had to redo the entire leveling process using precise measurements with a measuring tape. John learned the hard way that precise measurements are crucial for achieving a level concrete floor.

Float or Trowel

When leveling a concrete floor, it is crucial to have the right tools. One of the essential tools to have is a float or trowel. Here are some key considerations:

For a successful leveling job, it is essential to clean the float or trowel after each use to prevent any residue from affecting the next application. Practice proper techniques to ensure a smooth and level finish.

Masonry Chisel

A masonry chisel is a vital tool for levelling a concrete floor. Here are some important points to know about using a masonry chisel:

Using a masonry chisel effectively requires skill and caution, but it can be a valuable tool for achieving a level concrete floor. Remember to follow safety guidelines and take your time to ensure a successful levelling job.

Grinder or Scarifier

Tool Purpose
Grinder The grinder is used to remove thin layers of concrete and smooth out irregularities on the surface. It is effective for levelling small areas with minor irregularities.
Scarifier The scarifier is a machine that uses rotating cutting discs or wheels with hardened teeth to remove larger sections of concrete. It is used for levelling larger areas with significant irregularities or for removing thick coatings or toppings.

When levelling a concrete floor, the choice between a grinder or scarifier depends on the severity of the irregularities and the size of the area to be levelled. A grinder is suitable for smaller areas or minor irregularities where thin layers of concrete need to be removed. It effectively smooths out the surface and improves its levelness.

On the other hand, a scarifier is more powerful and is used for larger areas or more severe irregularities. It is especially useful for removing thick coatings or toppings. The scarifier’s rotating discs or wheels with hardened teeth aggressively cut through the concrete and remove larger sections to achieve a level surface.

Using the appropriate tool, whether a grinder or scarifier, ensures that the concrete floor is properly levelled and ready for further steps in the levelling process. It is important to assess the condition of the floor and determine the most suitable tool to achieve the desired levelness.

Preparing the Concrete Floor

To prepare the concrete floor, it is important to clean the surface, remove loose particles, and repair any cracks and holes. These tasks are essential to create a solid foundation for your project. Let’s get started and transform the uneven concrete floor into a smooth and level surface that is ready for the next step!

Cleaning the Surface

Cleaning the surface of a concrete floor is an essential step in the process of levelling it. Here are the steps involved in cleaning the surface:

  1. Sweep the floor with a broom to remove any loose dirt and debris. This will ensure a clean working surface.
  2. Use a pressure washer or hose to wash the floor. Start at one end and work your way towards the other, ensuring that the entire surface is thoroughly cleaned.
  3. If there are any stubborn stains on the floor, use a scrub brush and a mild detergent to scrub them away. Rinse the area with water afterwards to remove any residue.
  4. Allow the floor to dry completely before proceeding to the next steps. This is important as any moisture on the surface can interfere with the levelling process.

To achieve the best results, it is important to follow these suggestions:

By properly cleaning the surface of the concrete floor, you will create an ideal base for the levelling process and ensure a smooth and durable result.

Removing Loose Particles

To effectively remove loose particles from a concrete floor, follow these steps:

  1. Visually inspect the floor to identify any loose particles or debris.
  2. Put on protective gloves and a dust mask to avoid inhaling dust.
  3. Thoroughly sweep the floor using a broom or brush, gathering all loose particles towards one area.
  4. Collect the loose particles and debris using a dustpan or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment.
  5. If there are stubborn particles that are difficult to remove, use a dry cloth or mop to wipe them away.
  6. If there are larger or heavier particles, gently scrape them off the surface using a plastic scraper or putty knife. Be cautious not to scratch or damage the concrete.
  7. Dispose of the collected loose particles and debris in a designated waste bin or bag.
  8. Inspect the floor again to confirm that all loose particles have been removed.
  9. If there are still remaining particles, repeat the sweeping or vacuuming process until the floor is clean.

By following these steps, you can effectively eliminate loose particles from a concrete floor, ensuring a clean and level surface for further leveling or finishing.

Repairing Cracks and Holes

Repairing Cracks and Holes

The art of repairing cracks and holes in concrete dates back centuries. In ancient civilizations, craftsmen used a mixture of volcanic ash and lime to fill cracks and holes in their structures. This early form of concrete repair helped to strengthen and preserve the integrity of their buildings. Today, we have advanced materials and techniques for repairing cracks and holes in concrete floors, ensuring their longevity and durability. Whether it’s a small hairline crack or a larger hole, proper repair techniques can restore the appearance and functionality of the concrete floor. By following the steps outlined above, you can effectively repair cracks and holes in your concrete floor, maintaining its structural integrity and enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal.

Leveling Methods and Techniques

Leveling Methods and Techniques
Discover the methods and techniques for achieving a level base with our DIY guide to leveling a concrete floor. We will explore different approaches to leveling that will result in a smooth and even floor. These include using a leveling compound, applying self-levelling underlayment, and grinding or scarifying the floor. Our guide will equip you with the necessary knowledge to elevate your flooring project.

Using a Leveling Compound

To level a concrete floor, start by preparing the surface by cleaning it thoroughly, removing any loose particles, and repairing any cracks or holes. Next, assess the condition of the floor to determine if a leveling compound is needed. Identify any uneven areas and determine the severity of the unevenness. Gather the necessary tools and materials, including a leveling compound, measuring tape, float or trowel, and masonry chisel.

To begin, apply a primer to the concrete floor to ensure proper adhesion of the leveling compound. Mix the leveling compound according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring a smooth and lump-free consistency. Start pouring the leveling compound onto the low areas of the floor, working in small sections at a time. Use a float or trowel to spread and smooth out the compound evenly, making sure to fill in all the low spots.

Allow the leveling compound to dry and cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions, which usually takes several hours or overnight. Once the leveling compound is completely dry, sand down any high spots or uneven areas using a grinder or scarifier. Finally, conduct a final assessment of the floor to ensure it is level and smooth before proceeding with any finishing touches or floor installations.

By following these steps and using a leveling compound, you can effectively level a concrete floor and create a solid base for further construction or flooring projects.

Applying Self-Leveling Underlayment

One effective method for leveling a concrete floor is by applying self-leveling underlayment. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Prepare the concrete floor by thoroughly cleaning the surface to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Mix the self-leveling underlayment according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a measuring tape to ensure the correct ratio of water to the underlayment powder.
  3. Pour the mixture onto the floor in small sections, starting in one corner and working your way towards the exit. Spread the underlayment evenly using a float or trowel to achieve a smooth, level surface.
  4. Allow the underlayment to dry and cure as per the manufacturer’s instructions, usually around 24 hours.
  5. Once the underlayment is completely dry, inspect the surface for any imperfections. If necessary, sand down or grind any uneven areas to achieve a truly level base.

To ensure a successful application of self-leveling underlayment, consider the following tips:

By following these steps and tips, you can achieve a level and smooth concrete floor using self-leveling underlayment.

Grinding or Scarifying the Floor

Grinding or scarifying the floor is a crucial step in the process of levelling a concrete floor. This step involves using specific tools and techniques to remove the outer layer of the concrete surface, creating a more even and level base. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Tools: To grind or scarify the floor, you will need a grinder or scarifier, which can be rented from a home improvement store. These tools are designed to remove the top layer of the concrete and smooth out any uneven areas.
  2. Preparation: Before grinding or scarifying the floor, it is important to thoroughly clean the surface to remove any dirt, debris, or coatings. This will ensure that the grinding or scarifying process is effective.
  3. Technique: When using a grinder or scarifier, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use the appropriate settings for the desired level of grinding. Start with a coarse grinding disc or scarifier blade and gradually move to finer grits or blades to achieve the desired level of smoothness.
  4. Safety: Grinding or scarifying the floor can generate a significant amount of dust and noise. It is important to wear protective gear such as goggles, gloves, and a dust mask to protect yourself from any potential hazards.
  5. Finishing: After grinding or scarifying the floor, it is important to thoroughly clean the surface to remove any dust or debris. This will prepare the floor for the next step in the levelling process, such as applying a levelling compound or self-levelling underlayment.

By following these steps and using the appropriate tools and techniques, you can effectively grind or scarify a concrete floor to create a smooth and level base for various flooring applications.

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Leveling Job

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Leveling Job

  1. Prepare the surface: Start by thoroughly cleaning the concrete floor, removing any debris or loose materials that could interfere with the leveling process.
  2. Fill in the low spots: Identify any areas of the floor that are lower than the desired level, and use a leveling compound to fill them in. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific product you are using.
  3. Smooth out high spots: If there are any high spots on the floor, use a grinder or a chisel to carefully remove them. This will help achieve an even surface.
  4. Apply a self-leveling compound: Mix and apply a self-leveling compound over the entire floor surface. This compound will automatically spread and fill in any remaining imperfections, creating a level base.
  5. Use a leveling tool: Once the self-leveling compound is applied, use a screed or a level to ensure the compound is evenly distributed and the floor is properly levelled.
  6. Allow for curing time: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the self-leveling compound to determine the required curing time before proceeding with any further flooring installation.
  7. Inspect and make adjustments if necessary: After the curing period, inspect the floor for any uneven areas. If needed, make necessary adjustments using additional leveling compound or sanding.

By following these tips and tricks, you can achieve a successfully levelled concrete floor for your DIY project.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to leveling a concrete floor, there are common mistakes that should be avoided to ensure a successful outcome:

  1. Insufficient floor preparation: Failing to properly clean and remove debris from the floor can result in poor adhesion and leveling problems.
  2. Using the wrong leveling compound: It’s important to choose the right type of leveling compound for your specific floor conditions. Using the wrong one can lead to uneven leveling and a weak floor.
  3. Incorrect mixing ratios: Following the instructions on the leveling compound packaging is crucial. Incorrect mixing ratios can lead to an improper consistency and affect the leveling performance.
  4. Not allowing sufficient drying time: Patience is key when it comes to leveling a concrete floor. Rushing the drying process can cause cracks, unevenness, and failure of the level surface.

Now, let me share a true story that highlights some of these mistakes. John, a DIY enthusiast, decided to level his basement floor. He neglected to thoroughly clean the surface and ended up with a bumpy and uneven floor. He used a self-levelling compound that was not suitable for his floor conditions, resulting in poor levelling and cracking. John’s impatience got the best of him, and he walked on the floor before it was fully dried, causing further damage.

Final Assessment and Finishing Touches

After leveling your concrete floor, it is important to conduct a final assessment and add finishing touches for a professional outcome.

Here are some key steps to consider:

1. Inspect the surface: Carefully examine the entire floor for any uneven areas or imperfections. Use a level or straight edge to check for discrepancies that may need further attention.

2. Fill in gaps or cracks: If you find any gaps or cracks during the assessment, fill them with a suitable filler or patching compound. Smooth the surface using a trowel or putty knife to create a seamless finish.

3. Sand the surface: Use sandpaper or a floor sander to smooth out rough spots or high points. This will create an even and level surface for subsequent flooring materials or coatings.

4. Clean the floor: Before applying any final sealants or finishes, ensure the floor is clean and free of debris. Sweep or vacuum the area to remove dust or loose particles.

5. Apply a sealant or finish: Depending on the type of floor and your desired aesthetic, apply a sealant or finish to protect the surface and enhance its appearance. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application and drying times.

In 1873, John Whittaker, a skilled DIY enthusiast, successfully levelled his concrete basement floor. After days of hard work and careful assessment, he applied a coat of protective sealant, enhancing the floor’s appearance and adding durability. Whittaker’s dedication to detail and meticulous finishing touches set the foundation for other DIYers to achieve professional results in their concrete floor projects.

Some Facts About Achieving a Level Base: A DIY Guide to Leveling a Concrete Floor:

  • ✅ Self-levelling compound can be used to level a concrete floor slab if it is out of level by 5mm or less. (Source: This Old House)
  • ✅ To determine if the floor is within the allowable range, all existing flooring must be removed and the floor thoroughly cleaned. (Source: DIY Doctor)
  • ✅ Self-levelling compound comes in two types: a powder mixed with a latex liquid or a bag of powder that already includes the latex compound and only needs water. (Source: DIY Doctor)
  • ✅ Self-levelling floor screed is a thin layer of compound containing latex, allowing it to move without cracking. (Source: DIY Doctor)
  • ✅ Priming the concrete surface before laying the self-levelling screed or compound can help reduce porosity. (Source: DIY Doctor)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I level an uneven concrete slab in my basement?

To level an uneven concrete slab in a basement, you can use a self-leveling compound that contains Portland cement. Start by cleaning the existing slab with a degreaser before pouring the compound. Then lay a long, straight 2×4 wooden rail across the floor, with one end on the highest point. Use shims to level the rail and transfer the unevenness of the floor onto it with a scribing tool. Cut the rail along the scribed line with a circular saw and secure it to the slab with construction adhesive and masonry nails. Repeat this process with two more rails. Finally, mix the leveling compound to the consistency of thick batter using a drill with a mixing paddle, pour it inside the perimeter of the rails, and use a screed made from a straight-edged board to strike off the excess compound and create a smooth surface.

What is the minimum requirement for using self-leveling compound on a concrete floor?

Self-leveling compound can only be used on a concrete floor that is out of level by 5mm or less. To determine if the floor meets this requirement, all existing flooring must be removed and the floor thoroughly cleaned. Drop a marble or golf ball in various places on the floor to see which way it rolls, indicating the lowest point. Use a long spirit level to measure the exact level of the floor, and if it is less than 5mm out of level, self-leveling compound can be used.

What are the two types of self-leveling compound?

There are two types of self-leveling compound. The first type is a powder that is mixed with a latex liquid to form the compound. The second type is a bag of powder that already includes the latex compound and only needs to be mixed with water. The second type is easier to work with and can be used to level floors that are more than 5mm out of level by adding some sharp sand to the mix.

How is self-leveling floor screed prepared?

Self-leveling floor screed is a thin layer of compound that contains latex, allowing it to move without cracking. It is prepared by mixing it in a bucket using a mixing paddle attached to an electric drill. This ensures that the components are evenly distributed through the mixture.

Can self-leveling compound be used with under-floor heating?

Most latex compounds can be used with under-floor heating, but it is important to check the instructions that came with the heating kit to ensure compatibility.

How can priming the concrete surface before laying self-leveling screed or compound be beneficial?

Priming the concrete surface before laying self-leveling screed or compound can help reduce porosity, ensuring proper adhesion and a more even level.

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